
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Three of four Ward 4 Special Election candidates now have web pages. If you live in that ward and intend voting in the Aug. election, learn more about your choices.

In reverse alphabetical order, Tim Wrenn intends to create a website but has not yet done so.

Tom Towberman has a website, the link to a representative page being:

Sarah Strommen has a website, the link to a representative page being:

Brenda Look has a website, her home page being representative:

Please, voters in Ward 4, bookmark the sites as each becomes known. And please take time to explore the websites from the above representative links.

The city has an elections page, which is outdated on the complete website info, but keep checking it to see when Wrenn has a site online; this link:

Not living in the ward, I have no vote in the special election, but I nonetheless found it informative to examine the presentations prepared for those having a vote.

Please note, the city elections webpage has phone and email contact info for each of the four candidates, and there probably is nothing as good as a personal discussion.

At the candidate forum I met Towbermann and Wrenn for the first time. I know Strommen from the past council service, and I found it helpful to have heard the three discuss issues. I have briefly met Brenda Look at a city meeting where Dave Jeffrey was honored in a city hall foyer ceremony before the council met. I look forward to seeing her speak in a public forum on the issues, to see how things on the website are explained and fleshed out via a speaking opportunity.

If anyone knows of any candidate forum events for the Ward 4 vacancy in the future, please place a comment on this post about date/time/place/sponsorship, as that is information having a public value. Or send me an email at the sidebar address: