
Friday, July 22, 2011

The things myths are made of, and how to debunk a bunkhouse. A Google, and a cartoon.

There is a painfully redundant propaganda effor afoot - repeated, and repeated, and repeated; aka "The Job Creators."

It is false every time. The dark side of the force is hoping that flogging repetition fosters believable credibility. Or the aim is a more reachable goal, acceptance as a point for debate - without laughter.

This Google.

This Seattle PI Cartoon. And commentary.

Regarding the actress who would be president, this Google.

Let them eat loopholes.

UPDATE: A link. This quote from that link:

Doug Sachtleben, a campaign spokesman, said Ms. Bachmann believes “everyone benefits from taxes paid into the system, and everybody should participate.” But, he said, that would ultimately redound to the benefit of the poor. A fairer, simpler, flatter tax system would ease the hit on “job creators” and boost the economy, which would raise all boats, he said.

With all the "job creators" allegedly ready, bags packed, to move to North Dakota, they have picked their promised land. Click the Castaway sidebar, for job creation in action.
