
Friday, July 29, 2011

RAMSEY - Putting it into single syllables, a short and simple answer to Mr. Flaherty, Mr. Collins, Mr. Lazan, and Mr. Cronk.

This reporting by Sakry of ABC Newspapers shows how bone-headed stupid the Gang-of-Four are.

That is Elvig, Wise, McGlone, and the mayor.

Wanting to put our city behind the eight-ball, via a giveaway of unprecedented scope, to Indiana guys who want others to take their capitalist risks in their place, while being ready to reap any rewards.

It is as if at the casino, some dude from Indiana puts his hat under the slot machine chute, and says "Put your money in the thing for me, will you?"

Brick stupid.

Fence post turtle stupid.

Not-their-money-so-why-not-spend-spend-spend stupid.

Putting it into terms they simply might understand, that they could grasp; in answer to Mr. Flaherty, and Mr. Collins, and especially Mr. Lazan and his sidekick Mr. Cronk, (not a single finger salute as some might deem earned), but a simple mono-syllabic adage from their GOP past and heritage, one they may perceive as helpful:


Read Sakry's report to see who said what, and what to you makes sense and is not from the Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

The HRA has an obligation to push the project, said the fence-post turtle.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
A hat tip to two readers. For this two-link thought exercise.

Oh my, what if we do not in Ramsey throw money at Flaherty-Collins?

They might build rental in Anoka. Anoka might end up "eating Ramsey's lunch." This link.

If we profligately throw money at Flaherty-Collins [besides it meaning the money will not be available for other, meritorious use] they might build, it might be a big bug-splat on the windshield of local government, and the gang-of-four might even care although downside reality and risk seems something they'd rather not even think about now.

This link.

Even though Ramsey risks risking an order of magnitude more public taxpayer money than the larger city with the deeper pocket, I believe there is a lesson in that report about irrational exuberance, and ownership of the bastard child when everyone else renounces it.

But wait, that is supposed to be yesterday's learning curve, isn't it, re raw land? How many hits to the head will it take, for an upward sloping learning curve at the present council table?

And that first Finance and Commerce story, all up and down the entire Northstar corridor the little towns have the same little pie-in-the-sky ideas. Some more restrained than others.

We have Darren. Wow, what a blessing. However, I would rather our town having restraint, instead of our having Darren.

Restraint would cost one whole hell of a lot less than Darren. Restraint has a lot to be said in its favor. Darren, less so, in my view.

NOTE - the date/time stamp of this post was adjusted, and "RAMSEY" added to the title to remove any doubt from the beginning about the focus. "Featuring" the post by first positioning is related to a belief it has something important to say beyond importance, (if any), in other posted things.