
Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Firefox Addon named "MurdochAlert."

This link.

There is an extension for the Google Chrome Browser too, called Murdoch Block.

I think the item relies on a Wikipedia list, here.

It seems that with an alert, one can block item by item with Adblock Plus, or Ghostery, using their blocking lists, and adding entries. I have not done that. Yet. At some point I will give it a try. The idea is great.

I installed the FF addon, and will have a look at the Chrome Extension.

An individual of the quality of Rupert Murdoch deserves a boycott, until it pinches his advertising bottom line, and past that. WSJ quality seems worse since he bought it.

Hat tip to Empty Wheel, here, for the link trail.

Installed the Chrome version, and tested it. First screenshot, google return for "Fox News."

Second screenshot, what you get from clicking to select the first hit on the google list.

Same thing works for Wall Street Journal. An effort by a program author, worth the time it took to code it. Nice.

Rupert Murdoch DOES deserve it.