
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Libertarian views. The GOP will not run Ron Paul.

If Paul were to be a candidate, and win, and institute or try for the international banking reform he's preached, they likely will shoot him.

Or so some think.

Supporters of government power under the "Patriot Act" would have cause to dislike a Paul presidency. Same source, get out of Libya. Paul is widely reported to dislike foreign intrigue and entanglements, and use of war as an instrument of foreign policy.

I have not seen any Paul statement on the new FBI ruses, but I expect he'd opt for more not less liberty and freedom from intrusiveness.

And then there is banking. Everyone has an opinion.

From here onward, two Ron Paul specific links. From the "Daily Paul" website, which might not be the best source for Paul's thinking but is hot for others' thinking which they'd attribute to Ron Paul. Here and here. Next, a read and believe what you choose set of links, which will make someone happy, someone else resentful, etc.

Okay: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here.

This post is for any reader tired of stuff about Ramsey.

Here, here, here, here - again not about Ramsey.

More of the same: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here.

Had enough? Can you handle the Deets?

Johnny Northside.

Jordan Hawkman. Don Allen, here, here, and point-counterpoint here vs. here.

So readers, you see, I do not obsess over things Ramsey, but have a wide spectrum of intellectual web reading  to offer Crabgrass followers who may have grown tired of the routine stuff.

I do not want to leave a wrong impression. I am not belittling Ron Paul. His big problem is the press will marginalize him. As they did with Kucinich. Ron Paul is the only Republican I would ever for a moment think to vote for (aside from Natalie Steffen, who last general election had my vote for the Anoka County Dist. 1 board seat, and Hendriksen having my primary vote).

Ron Paul is dead wrong on abortion. He wants to deny people the liberty of choice. Inconsistently so, in light of his other dogma. He's wrong on medical care in opposing single payer. But somebody wanting to break the banking cartel and how it can cycle the economy into the doldrums at any whiff of wages ever going up in the US of A has to be accorded much respect.

I do not believe we have had a President since Roosevelt with that intent to override the banking cartel, Kennedy perhaps, and that's one of a host of causes that some cabal did him in; multiple shooters and all. I believe that was a factor along with his not wanting to escalate Vietnam. But you see that thought marginalized too. The "why" of Kennedy's shooting is not touched by mainstream media. It never has been. A lone kook gunman. A story told and retold as if telling it enough makes it believable.