
Sunday, May 29, 2011

RAMSEY - More retrospective. Let us study it to death, blather, get nothing done for over a year while Jim Deal brings in a VA clinic, and pay Mike's pal Darren and two other stooges a lot of city money in the interim with nothing to show for it. Sounds like a plan. Sounds like what we bought.

This link. Three Landform luminaries showing up. If it reads now like a bad joke, it was. Darren and two others showed up. Which one was Moe?

So, the clown now says bond to give money to people from Indiana; such as they are; two bankruptcies, an arson at a property, and a host of lawsuits. Consumers put up 7.3 million dollars to these gentlemen in a big deal in North Carolina, and it got disappeared.

Bravo, Landform. You pick only blue-ribbon. Champions.

Oh, liven things up. Add a few Vegas junkets. It's good form to go to Vegas, to develop Ramsey. The more on council going, the merrier.

After all, look what it yielded.

Don't mess with success.