
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Minnesota's legislative bigots have passed their Bigotry Amendment.

It gives the rest of us, the non-bigots, an opportunity to defeat both The Bigotry Amendment, and each individual on the ballot within the pack of bigots that passed putting The Bigotry Amendment on the ballot.

Chief Bigotry Amendment author and sponsor.

Here's my comment over at Eva Young's blog, it got posted as anonymous, but it's mine:

Let's call it what it is. It is not "The Marriage Amendment." Its supporters call it that.

The rest of the people in the state should call it as it is, "The Bigotry Amendment."

They want official bigotry within the constitution, and reasoning people should say, okay, they seem to have the votes to advance the cause of unjustice [sic, sorry about that, being in a hurry] and bigotry; we need to have the votes to defeat it at ballot time.

And, to defeat those embracing and sponsoring it being on the ballot.

They are bigots.

Like the old time umpires telling the complaining batter, "I call 'em as I see 'em."

These idiots are bigots. They are dangerous people. Because bigotry is wrong, and should be opposed wherever it arises. Bigotry against any other persons or groups. Wrong. No two ways about it. Wrong!

A question: Does Warren Limmer have a day job? I cannot picture anyone hiring him. He's been a professional politician since 1988. A poster child for term limits.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
This image illustrates what Warren Limmer and his like minded legislators are all about:

He is crassly manipulating the feelings of a spirited but unthinking puppet constituency represented well by the two ladies who added their comments to this post. Interestingly, neither of the ladies could say whether Limmer has a day job. Again, other than being a career politician, and a manipulative community nuisance - and a bigot - what's he do?