
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Legislative prayer-giver and self-anointed pastor-drummer, drums up support regarding minority civil rights, as he believes Jesus would want it.

Pastor Dean, living as Jesus would want. Photo credit, Minn Indy.       .

Not that anyone has published of it to my knowledge, but he's probably an untalented exhibitionist-only off-key musician too. Do any readers have knowledge, is he worth attention, as a drummer?

Anyway, this Google News listing, for reporting.



Residual Forces.

Colorado Independent.

Marshall Minn. Independent, news reporting, (via the AP's feed on Pastor-Drummer Dean and his legislative stylistic chops).

Pharyngula, editorial.

Mankato Free Press.


MDE (so far no coverage, hence no link). (so far no coverage).

Rochester Post Bulletin.

Duluth News Tribune.

Crabgrass piling on? Sure. Why not? Is it in any way undeserving of piling on, even at Resudual Forces?

This stunt, so far seems to have gone cross-wise of what the GOP leadership wanted, anticipated, foresaw, and, what -- prayed for?

Bless them all, each down to their little flag-lapel-pin (made in China). Each down to their red power tie and well-tailored conservatively-dark power suit. Bless those who barber and style their hair, do their nails, do their bidding. They are the GOP. And, in closing, which of the two Koch brothers do you think would say Bradlee Dean went too far? Any thoughts?

That leading photo, do you think the chain link fencing behind Pastor Dean is to protect Pastor Dean from music lovers and their possible critical activity as he drums away at, what, sin or presidential manners? Pastor Dean is a part of the new Minnesota GOP. The part of the GOP that all manner of wannabes court carefully:

(Hum, blue power ties too, it appears.)

_____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Mother Jones, here; a May 17 background piece with two-pages of reporting, each with multiple supporting links (but from before Pastor-Drummer Dean's legislative gig). Here, May 20, about the legislative appearance.

Extensive Pastor Dean background reporting, Ripple in Stillwater. (Hat tip due Karl Bremer, the Rippler, on the professional journalism society's recent award. The man calling himself Bradlee Dean, the man calling himself Bobby Thompson, who next? Have a look - Ripple in Stillwater.)

More on the Pastor, The Awl, here; and Dump Bachmann, here. The reflections of disbelief coming from some in the GOP seem quaint, given the boost and bravado of other GOP luminaries, as the Dump Bachmann item documents by a correspondence paper trail, not at all historically opposed to the good Pastor or his manners. This guy IS mainstream to that part of the GOP, and not any "Oh my, my bad" mistake by GOP leadership, now doing cut and fill relandscaping after the fan loaded - or more precisely after the good Pastor loaded it up because he is who he is, and proud of it, being himself on that St. Paul hilltop in the morning.

Do read The Awl, analyzing how the good Pastor has a war, (a personal one but one he is more than ready to push out the door to anyone receptive toward it); with coverage at The Awl proving those who learn nothing from history vote GOP. If you care to see who was chosen for a legislative prayer session, the good Pastor-Drummer and his war, then try your hand at the "seventeen statements" challenge midway through the post at The Awl.

May the good Pastor and his ties to like-minded Republicans prosper in the sunshine of general press and public attention and reflection. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

_______________FURTHER UPDATE________________
This report is greatly offensive to my sense of rule of law and of decent respect for treasured national norms. Thomas Jefferson must be spinning in his grave over this abusive situation where school money is given to this jackass show.

Separation of church and state is a norm everyone but bigots should treasure. It is grounded on the vast bloodshed of Western history and culture, and it should not be breached especially by those given the high responsibility of educating future generations of leaders and voters.

I think the individuals behind booking this guy's act in schools should have already been fired. Never mind firing them now, hindsight being 20/20.

Sack 'em.

Keeping them on payroll another minute longer is a minute too long.