
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Travesty of Justice - The Suicide of the Republican Party. Better minds than yours or mine say so.

Travesty of Justice, Rortybomb, here.

Suicide of the Republican Party, here.

More of interest, FOK News channel, (including a worse person medley; here).

Rortybomb links over to some very important news - news needing a wide broadcasting - so any reader who blogs, pick up the message:

ActBlue, "Recall the WI Republican Eight," here., "Pledge Your Support for the Recall Effort in Wisconsin," here.

Olbermann's reporting on the awfulness of what the Republican junta in Wisconsin did, this excerpt:

Still having never learned to be calm, retract their claws, and sit around and act rationally in a situation that calls for panic, Wisconsin’s Republicans and their Corporate Puppeteers tonight guaranteed themselves an unprecedented and disastrous recall next January.

More over, they also guaranteed themselves that any cloak of stealth under which they have operated in their attacks on teachers, firefighters, policemen, unions, and the settled law of collective bargaining, has been stripped away. If you pass a supposedly urgent “budget repair” bill with key budget components cut from it, you forfeit the fiction that you are doing anything remedial, anything essential, anything except a naked power grab on behalf of corporations who will get the money stolen from organized labor

Finally, a does-anyone-know-the-answer request to readers; was the patently offensive Kock-love pork provision omitted or expressly included in what the junta did - for background:

Rortybomb here, as mentioned and linked in a previous Crabgrass post, noted and shined sunshine upon a shabby hidden aganda stocking-stuffer in the Walker junta effort, this screenshot, (where as always you can click to enlarge and quickly read but go to the original to be able to hit the links and fully study things):

Absent knowing for certain, but knowing it is Republican mischief afoot and unbridled, I am forced to believe Koch-love potential remains in the bill as passed, intact or worsened.

AGAIN: I ask notice from any reader with knowledge of what the drab and depressing union-busting (with a little help for our friends) original bill ended up saying in final enactment form, as to Koch-profiteering potentialities per the option of commandeering Wisconsin public utilities cheaply and below actual value "in the public interest" for the Wisconsin citizens, who after all, elected these people?