
Thursday, March 17, 2011

In honor of Gov. Scott Walker, and colleagues, who view those who labor as outside of WE THE PEOPLE, (but at least without using terms Ubermenschen or Untermenschen in their hate speech): A week from Friday will be the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Factory Fire.

Google it. Read and learn. The screenshot is from here. You can get the gist of things from the image, but the links are all active once you go to the Cornell page.

When the Koch brothers talk to each other in German, do you think terms such as Ubermensch and Untermensch are exchanged? I doubt either brother talks that way in public. It would have been noted by now, had it happened. Had either referred to another public person, "He's an Untermensch," that would have touched some, even in MSM.

To be clear, it did not end with the fire. This site, for history of the criminal manslaughter trial against the factory owners. Here, for the timeline, below. Prosecution and defense summation (closing argument) to the jury, here.

The Triangle Factory Fire Trial site is but one part of a "famous trials" site, this link, or here. Have a look. Lutherans are invited.

______________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Two further links, first, a number of books and pamphlets resulted from people wanting to say something of the disaster; here. Reporting of a March 1, 2011 ceremony at a Jewish Staten Island cemetery grounds where a number of fire victims were buried as paupers; here. The latter story is strong in evoking a sense of loss, the one Romanian immigrant of three months, the burial stone with visitor stones placed on it - an eighteen year old woman - with her life ahead of her, cut short. It was tragic.

The Garment Workers Union likely will give strong formal memorial recognition, next week.

Two last links; here for a persepctive on Triangle's ownership; here, a CUNY March 24, 2011 conference agenda.