
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Folly, thy name is GOP.

Here is the stem cell research-haters' bill.

Here is the lead-idiot luddite:

Here is a long-time supporting cast idiot, who did testifyin'. In tongues, would not be surprising.

Here and here are news reporting. Birky highlights what's hidden under the hood. Science haters, preferring mythology over progress. Feudalism was not all that bad? Go back to living in caves? Without demon electricity? It's unnatural, if it wasn't in Eden.

Limmer a co-sponsor. A badge of quality.

And on HF 210, this should twist their drawers in a knot:

Jesus never carried a photo-ID

The Apostles never carried Photo ID's.

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
On the Fischbach stem cell research-hater bill, the house companion bill is sponsored by this bevy of progress-hating science-haters; Dettmer; Hosch; Holberg; Dean; Smith; Torkelson; Cornish; O'Driscoll; Swedzinski; Bills; Gottwalt; Kiffmeyer; Abeler; Anderson, B.; Franson; Fabian ; Hamilton; Murray; Murdock; Crawford; Anderson, D.; Gunther Erickson ; Mack; Beard; McDonald; Peppin; McElfatrick; Drazkowski; Vogel; Ward; Shimanski; Koenen; Barrett; LeMieur.

Banker Mary Kiffmeyer - another badge of quality, excellence, intellect and discernment.

My rep, Abeler. Right there on the list after Kiffmeyer.

Who votes for these turkeys?

Get your brain pickled in Koolaid and vote Republican once your brain's been shrunken to the size of a walnut. Is that their secret?

(A grudging hat tip to Jungbauer and Hackbarth for not signing their names onto this science-hater parade of fools express.)