
Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The FOK NEWS channel is alive and well, and exposing NYT ineptitude and/or indifference.

Yeah, not FOX, but FOK, this link, (Friends Of Kieth). This screenshot from an early post by this blogger, about Wisconson's embarassment, Scott Walker. And about the NY Times ineptitude, per the headline above.

This screenshot of the opening paragraphs of the post:

Olberman updates the post with a link to a Michael Moore item about the Buffalo Beast's publishing of Gov. Scott Walker's admission of contemplating using thuggish disinformation tactics against those demonstrating against his Koch-inspired Draconian ways and means of union busting (really the man should quit his excessive and self-destructive Koch habit).

Digby salutes the Olberman effort. And while it was not a direct topic of the fake-Koch phone call, which friend(s) of Gov. Scott Walker do you suppose this reported Walker budget hummer was intended to reward? Well, who's in the energy business, as a "for instance?" And how would you think Republican Wisconsin responsibility would fathom the Koch call situation? Kill the messenger, of course. How else? Well, you can do that, but first call the messenger hateful, before proposing to criminalize sincere effort at showing Scott Walker to be the dweeb he is.

It's the GOP, doing things the GOP way. It's viewing Scott Walker on a quality par with Reagan, (that's true enough), but some would go further and equate Scott Walker's union busting with GOP party favorite, Lincoln (in establishing the preeminence of the federal arrangement against states-rights seccessionism, per defeat of the Confederacy in the Civil War). Some. Some intent on repeatedly demonstrating themselves to be good shielding in case of nuclear disaster, being "denser than lead."

If it keeps your name recognition intact, popping up regularly enough on The Hill, it cannot be all bad, can it?

UPDATE: Buffalo Beast notes the inaccuracy of Limbaugh and Walker protestations that the Koch-call incident did not expose any new dimensions, via three points:

1. That he had considered planting agents provocateur amongst the pro-union protesters.
2. That his anti-union stance and legislation were inspired by former President Ronald Reagan’s political ideology as it was exemplified when he broke up the air traffic controllers’ union at the beginning of his term in office.
3. That he would offer to speak. but not negotiate, with the 14 Democratic state senators who are currently out of state in order to technically get the quorum necessary to pass the legislation in question.

Perhaps a fourth item shown by the Beast's phone play -- that Walker's staffers are as astute as Walker, in collectively letting the Koch-call happen.

What's a filter for, after all? To filter in the harmful stuff?

FURTHER UPDATE: Please do not forget that Scott Walker's proposed Koch-inspired 144 page "budget bill," aside from the headline-grabbing union-busting dog and pony show, contains but does not really prominently feature the earlier mentioned privateering (excuse, I should have said privatizing) aspect of the bill. Deeply buried within the 144 pages is an in-the-small-print-background-layers "no-bid" presumptively "in the public interest" thing, a perk of a kind Koch Brother love can attach to and embrace. This link features bill language and for context gives interesting Koch website links.

If this proposed privitizing (privateering) bill provision differs much from Landform having a no-bid ongoing reach into the City of Ramsey fisc, it is in detail not intent - the GOP always being what it is, to itself and friends.

FURTHER UPDATE: AntiACORN fraudster, Andrew Brietbart, had this to say:

Turning to the White House, Breitbart calls President Obama's involvement in union activism "deeply un-American."

"What you have is the president of the United States organizing anarchists, public-sector unions in order to intimidate Americans," he says.

I suppose the NLRB is also "un-American" in having dealings with unions. Right wingnuts ...

FURTHER UPDATE: Raw Story had live-blog nationwide coverage of worker rights rally efforts. Photos from St. Paul rallying at the Capitol, Ripple in Stillwater.