
Friday, March 11, 2011

Boycott Koch Brothers' products? Including Brawny?

That, and Colbert wipes up, as only Colbert can - MinnPost. Hat tip to Norwegianity, here, for the linking. This link, one of those three will give you the video pleasure. To hoot and stomp and shout, "Yes, Yes, YES!!! It's him, it's Tim!"

Now --- About that boycott of Brawny - aside from any Colbert indicia, this link.

Here's one to ponder. What do Joseph Stalin and Marxist central planning and such, and the John Birch Society have in common?

And a disclaimer up front - nothing to do with Tim Pawlenty. Don't go there.

I suppose you could fashion a number of answers each with a grain of wisdom - I will post mine tomorrow, or a day or two later. Any reader getting the answer I have in mind put into a comment will get a figurative gold star - mention for being perceptive, well read, AND astute.