
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

There's only one sensible Republican ticket for 2012. Get rid of the front men/women, and run the hands that operate the levers.

Since they run the show and call all the shots, let them decide between themselves who gets top spot, who gets "heartbeat away" -- if either has a heart.

No more of the errand boys, errand girls, but the nitty-gritty, on the ticket.

Let voters learn their views on "Tax the Rich," for example.

And on, "Tax everyone else."

Open a few eyes, perhaps.

Informed voters offer a better chance for the rest of us, but hey, will the progressives left, in turn, pick a primary challenger against the GOP-lite guy in the White House now?

Needed, but not expected.

Obama and Biden, vs. Charles and David. Or, vs. David and Charles. Let them handicap it once they skulk out of the dark background and own up to who they are and how they operate - sunshine always being the best disinfectant.