
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some may remember, GREEN STAMPS. Now Microsoft is giving the web equivalent of green stamps.

This link, for detail, this top-of-page screenshot.

I wonder if Bill will collect green stamps. I wonder if the "credits" homepage links to an optional interactive page, where you can open and page through a "virtual stamp book," and paste your credits into it, as "green stamps."

On how you exchange your "credits" for something you'd possibly want, explore the entire Bing Rewards page and its links; but I'd guess you could save all your credits for Christmas and buy yourself socks and underwear. For online delivery - virtual goods? I think that's where the tangible might intervene. Does sell and ship socks and underwear, or do you need to go to Walmart online, or Target online?

For those too young to remember green stamps, think, frequent flyer miles.