
Monday, February 07, 2011

Puzzling evidence.

Ramsey hires Landform as a consultant. Landform hired Jungbauer as an employee. Ramsey pays Landform money. Jungbauer sponsors this, sole author. TIF law means what it says for everyone. Except there's somebody's employee's bill in the hopper, saying TIF law means something different for somebody's employer's consulting client. If it passes, it preempts. The particular controls the general. Minn Stat Sect 645.26, subd 1, says that's how you determine the intent of the legislature.

Cash flows.

Companion bill, HF 317, this link. Abeler as sole sponsor/author. To the best of my knowledge, Abeler is free of any ties to Landform. I am puzzled. First, someone knowing more about TIF than I do probably could make more sense out of the special treatment being sought for and by Ramsey. How is it appropriate? How is it justified? What will the impacts be? What's the impact on existing property tax payers in Ramsey, if passed? Readers identifying themselves and posting useful information in comments are invited to help.

Abeler's been far less prolific a chief author this session than Jungbauer. And not a companion House author for Jungbauer's mystery bill; SF 65. That one seems Mike's alone. Abeler's only other "chief author" bill beyond companioning on the Ramsey-TIF effort is a screw the needy thing; HF 128.