
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

PACT Charter School listed as one of many needing to get its sponsorship status resolved by June 30.

I never liked that bonding thing that Cairns put through with the then existing Ramsey City Council back in 2003 or 2004; because of the Bethel College sponsorship and my firm belief, in line with Jefferson's thinking, that there must be an absolute separation of church and state and a church "school" sponsoring a charter school, to me, meant Ramsey should totally keep hands off.

The list.

The accompanying article.

I expect the politics are such that PACT will "meet" requirements.

This link, for brief history of PACT school, at the Ramsey Town Center. (And bless the Chamber's presentation, not using that awful "COR" aka CORpse terminology for the Ramsey Town Center because some huckster or pack of huckster-minded or huckster-deluded ones felt lipstick on a pig was a great idea to magically make the pig into something different.)

May some reader with knowledge of the situation send an email or post a comment about how this not yet effectuated-on-the-ground-in-Ramsey proposal may turn out, in terms of adequacy of sponsorship.

For starters, who sponsors the "Legacy Christian Academy," and once knowing that, where will things stand, July 30?

One interesting thing, "Legacy Christian Academy" is not on the list Strib is publishing. Does that mean it is a fully private school in some way not needing to establish charter school sponsorship bona fides; or that it has already crossed that bridge?

What's the story? Should folks count any chickens in Ramsey, before they're hatched?

Although still speculative, the Strib reporting [link above] has a paragraph focused on the TiZA situation, where bedrock religious orientation is noted as an impediment to charter status - with ACLU litigation pending so that the TiZA status is doubly uncertain (there being a question reported by Strib about out-of-state sponsorship difficulties also affecting TiZA).

That suggests the Legacy Christian Academy probably is going along as a fully private school without charter school status, (hence, not needing sponsorship approvals); as with schools operated and owned within the Catholic church community.

Such speculation, however, sheds no light on what the situation is with PACT School.

My hope is that ABC Newspapers finds the question newsworthy and is able to publish something definitive for county readers. The intention and hopes of PACT School management probably is of interest to ABC-ECM readers.

___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
For access to Legacy and PACT online websites, and other background; there are two Googles:
