
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Governor Dayton - for eight long Pawlenty years these kind of people have skated. Dodging their duty to pay fair taxes. Please, Governor Dayton, will you do everything you can, tirelessly, to see that even though shareholders allow themselves to be exploited, the citizens of Minnesota can see robber-barons finally held to a standard of decency Pawlenty and his people ignored?

Strib, this link, as source of the screenshot -- with everyone on the list sucking roughly $300,000 or more annually from the system - in some cases vastly more - and thereby leaving everyone else to pay more taxes than if these individuals were required; with such vast annual increases in wealth accruing to them as they have; to pay fairly, for a change, as a departure from unfair Pawlenty practices where the vastly rich could skate as effortlessly as Pawlenty did, on hockey ice when younger and more fit.

Top forty - each a million a year, and up.

Remaining sixty - nothing to sneeze at.

And a big time hat tip to Strib, for publishing the data, as it is -- just the facts and only the facts -- while others could (and truly should) editorialize.