
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A new blog, with attention to Anoka County and the north metro, and a focus beyond that?

I became aware of  the new Ardentmeld effort, (using the Wordpress engine and not Blogger as I use), via a comment to an earlier local-interest Crabgrassing post.

In that comment, "Robyn" and not "Rhonda" being mentioned caught and piqued my interest.

Since the comment seemed on point and generally polite, though opinionated, I, (contrary to normal policy), allowed it even though anonymous.

Where Ardentmeld goes from here is an open guess.

When someone has opinions, and thoughts - worth sharing - it is good to see such a one choose to take the extra effort to set up a soap box, of sorts.

Good luck on the venture, etc., whoever you are.