
Friday, January 28, 2011

Mike, make me an offer I can understand.

Re this Crabgrass post, on my admitted confusion over a less than clear legislative effort; I note Strib had the following image online, captioned as noting the "politics of budget cutting."

Never mind the Godfather thing, "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse," I would caption this Dayton picture, as headlined, "Mike, make me an offer I can understand."

Again, what is 87th Sess. HF 65, about? Huh?

Somehow, even while admittedly very confused, I just have a gut feeling this SF 65 Jungbauer thing might relate to budget cutting, as less so rather than more so, and it seems, again at the gut level, to be at cross purposes to the dog-pony show that GOP leadership is trying to sell us.

Could that explain why it is worded obliquely?

Sen. Jungbauer is living proof that not all politics is local.

As part of his nose-to-the-grindstone activity this legislative session, Sen. Jungbauer also has sponsored, 87th Sess. SF 63, a resolution proposal rather than a legislation proposal.

Please read it. It speaks for itself. Also, there is little if any indirect or confusing English, in SF 63.

As a man of the people, as he is; I am glad, (although I voted for Perovich), to see my SD 48 Senator going into this legisaltive session having such a sharp tight unerring focus on creating jobs and alleviating our dire State multi-billion dollar deficit left over from when the guy running for vice president was Governor.

Sen. Jungbauer's focus on what really matters, the bread and butter food on the table issues, is unmatched.