
Monday, January 31, 2011

Last night one of the CSPAN channels had a "Road to the White House" segment, Tim Pawlenty giving a speech.

I watched twenty seconds of it. I've been able to endure perhaps up to a half minute of Michele Bachmann, but on TP I maxed out at a lower tolerance level. Bachmann seems more deluded then evil.

Wholly unrelated, here is a picture of a west coast banana slug, with its slime trail. While leaving an unsightly slime trail this slug is largely if not totally inoffensive, which is why I would not liken it to Tim Pawlenty.

SLUGS: The banana slug is a woods creature, and not a garden or agricultural pest, as are other slugs. Garden slugs are a nuisance species in Seattle. Garden slugs in Seattle are best disposed of by removal from the garden area, and salting. The salt draws water from the slug, leaving only a salty slime spot.