
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Proving the Republicans do not have the only freak show in town.

It says, "16 new from $0.21 37 used from $0.01"

Valued about right.

Spin, can you say spin? Democracy Now can, calling out lame spin-meistering by the State Department.

Computerworld. Amazon discussion forum threads, here and here. Rely on the cloud? Only if you've your data valuables also mirrored and backed up, on local storage.

Wikileaks is getting clouded over, perhaps, with a chance of inclement weather ahead?

Remember that we were told this latest Wikileaks disclosure thing is only a starting installment, with even more interesting things to come later.


Wait and see. The Iranians in an English language web outlet, here, have an argument:

The apparently leaked documents suggest leaders of other countries such as Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates as well as the Israeli regime also considered Tehran's peaceful nuclear program an existential threat, urging a US attack on Iran.

At the beginning, Wikileaks sought to shed light on Washington's belligerent polices and condemn the killing of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, analysts believe the recent document release is a scenario carefully orchestrated by US intelligence agencies to deflect attention from the United States' domestic problems, upset the situation in the region and lay the groundwork for military action against Iran.

Puzzling elements.