
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

NOTE: A new Ramsey-related sidebar paired poll - open until Jan 15, 2011. Someone should be asking ---


1- A WANT vs. A NEED?


The two new items on the sidebar are self explanatory.

The glorious plans are to drop fourteen million of tax money - be it all from Ramsey [possibly yet more bleeding of reserves], or a mix of Ramsey tax money and tax money from other sources, such as Uncle Sugar; Met Council; Yantos, personally, as a donation out-of-pocket, etc. Santa and the Tooth Fairy will NOT fund it, so, is it a want or a need? Would YOU ever use it, and if so, with any frequency?

My guess is that Elk River and Anoka stops will wholly suffice, but readers are requested to weigh in - and I am asking it because - YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED - nobody at city hall or at the council meeting table seems to be at all intent on having this kind of community-wide answer.

I.e., in going hell-bent to have it, nobody in positions of power and responsibility really wants to have any kind of a referendum, (which is better than a sidebar blog poll), but you get the best I can provide.

I cannot make the learned and esteemend gentlemen on council hold a referendum, not without a groundswell of public demand.

So go for it. It's there. Two dimensions --- want vs. need; and would you ever use the thing, ever, or on anything like a frequent basis.