
Friday, December 17, 2010

A modest proposal. "Rebranding" the Ramsey Star Express.

Ramsey Star Express ridership started and has remained in the doldrums, and to anticipate a positive change arising from rebranding, (such imagining being a vogue in place these days), the following suggestion is offered, modestly, in the mood of offering a helping hand to a deeply subsidized venture to stand on its own.

The Old

Coach design. As is.

The old brand. Having a mood of failed expectation.

The New

Coach - rebranding.

Further Rebranding Suggestions.

For the side - what else but this?

For each leg, near the bottom - again, what else?
Is there really any other honest message?

For the back, this, centered:

Is there any better way? The mood in Ramsey seems to be to expect without question that rebranding and lipstick-on-a-pig cosmetics will hold sway and turn disaster to victory - so, town fathers - go for it, again, this is not the first time you've bought into rebranding as a fiscal win, whatever the costs. Finally, think of the differing stronger impression the entirely redesigned and rebranded version can have, merging into traffic, especially when viewed from trailing traffic where drivers will understand and remember The COR for what it is.