
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Getting fed up yet? The more handwaving you see by snake oil salesmen, the more cause to distrust.

Photos from Christian Science Monitor, here and here. See this link, and this. Citizens are being sold out by smiling front men.



-click the image to enlarge and read - Tea Party idiots-

____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
Robert Reich calls it like it is. This link. His ending bottom line,

It makes him look weak — Republicans got everything they wanted. And when a President looks weak, he is weak.

House and Senate Democrats should reject this abomination.

The President should get himself new advisors.

CHANGE? Obama is not even small change. Obama is Bush; Obama is Clinton; only with a different entourage. Different Ivy League roots. Same damned wars and same financing of them on credit.

Same hard times for workers. Same inspiration for alienation and distrust.

A clone.

Put that in your tea pot and drink it.