
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cleaning up sidebar polling - two still open re Northstar-and-Ramsey; others have closed, with these results.

As noted earlier a past sidebar poll indicated general approval from the limited sampling to make the Armstrong Blvd. - Alpine intersection a four-way stop instead of only two-way, particularly if the pedestrian-biking path is extended westward from the intersection.

More recently closed poll results:

RAMSEY: Plans are afoot to "dedicate" 300 spaces of the citizens' parking ramp to private use, perhaps generating official talk of building another ramp.

Good idea - four votes - 12%
Bad idea - twenty-two votes - 70%
Don't care - five votes - 17%

Again a limited sampling, but a clear citizen attitude shows through - among Crabgrass readers, at least.

RAMSEY: Would you like to know whether Landform is getting money from the developers of the housing that would have 300 ramp parking spaces "dedicated" to it?

Yes, for knowing that - 23 votes - 82%
Not a good question - 0 votes - 0%
Don't care - 5 votes - 17%

Similarly limited sampling, and potential bias in the sample, but the clear suggestion is the City should make a clearer and more prominent and transparent presentation and disclosure of what Landform gets, commission on this deal as well as monthly cash flow, and request a Landform accounting of cash flowed to it by the developer-promoter of this project [as a condition of NOT cancelling the city-Landform contract on 30 day notice per the City's option - to avoid a stonewall], with the result of that request prominently reported.

Transparency is good. Sunshine is the best disinfectant. Brandeis wrote that first in 1914, and it is as true now as ever.

NOTE: The closed polls have been removed from the sidebar, once the results have been published via this post. Only the two Northstar-Ramsey polls remain open (another 20 days remain - both polls being set to close midnight, Jan. 15, 2011).