
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

RAMSEY: "BADGING?" "We don't need no stinking badging." Try this: Restaurants!

I watched a part of the dog-pony presentation by the hucksters and the shills, per Ramsey Council meeting televised last night; subject being, THE RESIDENCE at THE COR.

If that "badging," "THE RESIDENCE," and "THE COR," is not enough to make you puke, the entirety of the situation should do the job. City money plunged along with a drabble of developer cash at risk, etc., for - YET MORE STINKING SHARED WALL HOUSING.

3000 square feet of "retail," as a short tail stapled onto the dog, to be wagged to the public.

3000 square feet is a square 55 ft. x 55 ft.

I think that's smaller than the Town of Bethel post office.

Go figure. Your council, having your interests at heart.

As to the "badging," we don't need no stinking badging - we NEED restaurants. See here; --- earlier Crabgrassing, here. It's been said. And it's still true. A lie of shops and restaurants; long ago in earlier council times in a lying referendum (with a laughable survey to boot); a lie perpetuated and burnished and presented backwards, forward, and sideways; still, as if non-fiction. As if credible after all these years.

What's so hard to comprehend:




As in, nice places to eat. Got it? Do it. Stow the shared-wall and "badging." Restaurants.

John Dehen, a voice of reason among the others, voted NO. NO to city spending and participation in the construction of yet more shared wall Ramsey Town Center housing, this being all rental. As if there's not enough of that already.

Dehen was the lone voice voting NO.

That distinction deserves attention.