
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Having been used for all the money-source backers could get, mobilized Tea Party dissatisfaction and disaffiliation is being put out to pasture for now. The top-down money flow to local organization effort will lessen or dry up. The death rattle starts with a look at Senate candidates who lost. That media drumbeat of Tea Party "ineffectiveness" will pick up for a while, and not quell soon. Machinery going into shut-down maintenance mode will be restarted next election cycle.

The AP wrote, and Strib dutifully carried; this.

The local websites might remain, but the nationwide indexing such as it has been will quietly wither and disappear from here, where they pat their feeble minded followers on the head and say, good job, you matter, with us you were heard.

For those believing something grassroots had happened, and it was not top down all along, open your eyes and read the bottom of the present Tea Party Patriots home page. In effect, it says, we will continue to channel your thinking if you sign up for email allowing that, while we and our "experts" meet with the politicians and lobby.

All top down, from the crappy little COR-like logos at the foot of the webpage put into existence by - you tell me, chumps - but it makes my heart swell with a sense of liberty. Yours too? Sure.

And, thanks again, little guys, without you ... lobbying to get our way is harder.

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