
Saturday, November 06, 2010

In light of her reelection --- Michele Bachmann impersonating Dilbert.

It is Michele Bachmann doing the impersonation. Trust me. The impersonation is so good that folks in Ramsey might want to say it's Landform impersonating Dilbert.

False, however. Landform never, never, ever makes up numbers. Not even in the old, old days when detailed activity -&-  hourly billings were required by City of Ramsey (to have. of all things, an accurate audit trail of the city's situation).

Old, old, old, OLD days - not these days.

Back even to mid-2009 or so, when that $23,000 opening contract (hidden a while under a hat by some on council from some others on council) surfaced into public sunshine without competitive bidding allowed by city officials, because - gafaw - it was for under $50,000. Well, gee, wait a moment -- that was actually the City and Landform, together making up numbers.

Dilberting, big time.

I don't know what more to say.

Please do not confuse impersonating Dilbert with lying. Trying to establish such an analogy would be disadvantageous to Michele Bachmann, Landform, and City of Ramsey officials. We should not go there. It's impolite.

Image downlaoded from here, (secondary sourcing).