
Friday, November 26, 2010

The bad side of my personality is considering a new snotty sidebar poll.

Vote on whether this couple should go on a diet?

Background: Here, herehere, here, here and here.

If not provoked, I'd not be judgmental about these two - but what they did proves they belong in the same category as Rush Limbaugh, per the Franken book title.

The two are Plymouth Neon people; this link. (That's an expired brand based on insufficient buyer appeal with the production run ending 2005; e.g., this link; and with dubious quality ratings; this link).

Was the Eagan-based TempWorks firm right in firing her as detrimental to its public goodwill?

The First Amendment protects the couples' right to willingly place themselves into Franken's Rush category; repeatedly and publicly, but doesn't the GOP support unconstrained freedom of business owners to run a business any way they want; regulation be damned?

Seems so, from things the likes of this couple often espouse.