
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Are you a patriot? Sign up for informative email - but don't give up your privacy to do so.

I signed up. You can too. It's not like a tour of duty commitment, just getting helpful emails. And you do not have to give up your privacy to sign up for the email. They want an email address, and that makes sense since they will be communicating by email. Beyond that, name, rank and serial number [actually they only ask name, not rank or serial number - but address and phone info are sought and can be omitted while you still should "qualify" to be emailed news and views].

I cannot wait to learn of all the grassroots changes that will be happening post-election.

An idea, I have not seen it at the Patriot store, where you can prove your patriotism with goooood honest cash. For badging.

I recall a year of grade school in New Orleans, at ten years old, something about a coin sized medal some carried, RUAK on one side, IMAK on the other.

I think they are missing a marketing opportunity. A coin-sized medallion, with RUAP on one side, IMAP on the other. Folks could carry it along with pocket change, and resolve any identity crisis with other patriots - you've got the medallion, or you don't.

It could be something simple, high class - not cheesy, well designed and solid, such as this:

Original medallion source, this link.