
Friday, October 22, 2010

Who are these people? What do they have under their thinking caps instead of brains? Emmer has questionable home refinancings, Jungbauer has a late property tax history, and they rail about government instead of wanting the rich to pay a fairer share so they'd have to pay less. Don't they know which way is up?

I noted the Jungbauer recent late property tax record, that situation, this link. This image - the online county tax record for Jungbauer's East Bethel property as of Oct. 4, 2010:

Now Strib indicates that DFL party people are asking about Tom Emmer's financial status and how it reflects on his capacity to prudently lead. This link.

Should someone be taken seriously, saying government should live within its means while possibly exceeding his own? Is that a person you would want to put in charge of running the State in all its fiscal complexity?

And the whine is always, government is too big, or spends too much, or taxes too much, when the wealthy have loopholes, sharp accountants, and influence in DC to get taxable income for the wealthy whittled down (and remember that Minnesota income taxation is keyed to the fedreal reporting and paying, if not entirely, at least very, very much so).

These people are having trouble getting their act together, (and recall in January 2009, Strib reported Norm Coleman's home refinancing pattern back during the recount), i.e., having trouble personally getting ends to meet; yet they appear to lack the plain good sense to look around and say, "Hey. Tax the rich."

That way government and the schools and the next generation's education are not beggared; while ends can meet fiscally for government; but it is so if and only if others pay a fairer tax level so that those such as Emmer and Jungbauer pinched in the middle can get pinched less. Can't they see that?

What have they in their heads, where Democrats saying "Tax the rich" have brains?

It astounds me.