
Sunday, October 24, 2010

STRIB HAS BRAINS. STRIB endorses Tarryl Clark as the next representative to Congress, from Minnesota's Sixth District.

This link, This screenshot (click it to enlarge and read it, and read the entire item, at Strib):

Sure, voters might not follow Strib's endorsement, but whichever way the votes tally, Strib got it right that Clark is the most viable and capable and promising and hard-working of the three candidates.

Bob Anderson running as the IP candidate is also obviously several cuts better than the incumbent.

Hat tip to Gary Gross in noting [while disagreeing with] the Strib commitment. Without his linking, I might have missed the endorsement.

What is amazing is that Michele Bachmann stiffed the editors at STRIB exactly as she did the editors at ECM Publishers. What a piece of work.


Gary Gross is a GOP party activist, who also noted a Duluth paper endorsed the Republican running in MN 8 against Oberstar. Strangely, Gary seems to think belief and credibility should go with the Duluth choice, but not Strib's. Gary seems an okay guy, for a Republican. Better than many others. Never at a loss for an opinion. He's okay. I'll drop the qualification,. Go see what he says. I disagree, obviously, and await his having an epiphany on the way to Damsacus, seeing the light, becoming a DFL champion, etc., but have a look. Gary's two posts, here and here. [UPDATE - GG pic added; from this Facebook page.]

Finally note how Strib in its sense of fairness put Bachmann's picture on the left sidebar, along with Clark's. That was big of them as an online measure. And did Strib make a typo, on the verb for Bachmann and the cameras, adding an "r"?

Dump Bachmann picked up the endorsement reporting, and excerpted a few key words. If you do not take the time needed to read the entire Strib item, and think it over, go to DB for it's excerpting.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________
GOP blogging gets better and better. Triple A flags a Clark event I previously did not mention, where there's a chance to see a former president in person, and to cheer for the Vikings in Blaine. His take, sour grapes. He probably faults Emmer for not bringing in a fabled former president to help his sagging campaign, the renowned George W. Bush.

Why was Triple A inexplicit about saying I'll see your bet and raise you a pres of my own?

After all, George W. Bush is as Republican as they come. No RINO there. Pure GOP, head to toes. The kind a presumptuous floozy and smitten GOP hanger-on would waylay, grasp by the shoulder in an aisleway, and kiss. For sure. Some even say it happened. Sing along with the custard kids of Wayzata:

... It makes the world go 'round.

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
More on the Duluth paper, endorsing Chip What's his name. Here.

Contribute to the Clark Campaign, this link.