
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Michele Bachmann trumped from within her ranks. Sharron Angle is a bigger messed up mind.

Strib carries the AP report online:

In ugly Nevada Senate race, Angle says Reid helped to put Viagra in hands of child molesters

By CRISTINA SILVA , AP - Update: October 8, 2010 - 8:27 PM

LAS VEGAS - In the ugliest ad so far in Nevada's contentious Senate race, Republican Sharron Angle accuses Democrat Harry Reid of helping to put Viagra in the hands of child molesters. The TV spot is the latest in a string of scare-tactic ads flooding the Nevada airwaves in the final weeks of the dead-heat contest.

Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, has portrayed Angle as extreme and crazy, using her own words and policy positions to try to undermine her credibility. But that strategy has not pushed him forward in the polls.

A recent wave of inflammatory attack ads has helped Angle remain steady.

"Want to know just how out of touch Harry Reid is?" the female announcer says at the beginning of the latest ad. "Spending $787 billion on a stimulus that failed is a start. Or Reid voting to give illegal aliens special tax breaks and Social Security benefits is another big clue. But here's the kicker: Reid actually voted to use taxpayer dollars to pay for Viagra for convicted child molesters and sex offenders."

The ad concludes, "What else could you ever need to know about Harry Reid?"

The vote refers to the federal health care law.

Before it passed, Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., proposed an amendment barring federal expenditures for supplying Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs to sex offenders. Democrats called it a political stunt aimed at killing the legislation. The amendment died.

Angle apparently did not personally use a bullhorn in the ad, reportedly using an actor's voice-over instead.

What will Bullhorn Bachmann stage to reclaim her post as the biggest GOP idiot? Another stint at Pastor Mac's Flying Circus? What? We can only guess. One thing, Obama will not let her sneak kiss him in the halls of Congress. She needs a new act.

Anyone with an idea of "What Should Michele Do" to reclaim her idiocy crown, please leave a comment. Perhaps it's simple. Just be herself. Show up with Beau, aka Jim the Election Guy on Dancing with the Stars? Who knows.

Bring a Bullhorn to the debates with Clark and Anderson? Now that's a thought.