
Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Mainstream media has not asked Michele Bachmann the question. So I have.

Michele and Marcus Bachmann live in a home valued at over a million dollars, and they own and operate two "Christian counseling" clinic sites, with a large number of counseling staff producing clinic cash flow:

As always click on an image to enlarge it and read. Cash flow allowing such a lavish home, and there is also the congressional salary, and medical coverage benefits.

Bachmann has bullhorned against the passed healthcare bill, and wants it repealed - which would revert to a pre-passage status quo. In 2004 when Bachmann ran against Wetterling, Eric Black, now of MinnPost, asked whether clinic staff had healthcare coverage, and the answer was they did not.

It is now years of congressional paychecks later, with raucus Bachmann-bullhorning against public sector aid to those not covered by employer sponsored plans. So, how has the public sector been preforming, since 2004 when MSM did inquire, regarding the munchkins at Bachmann -&- Associates?

Good question and for the life of me I cannot see why mainstream media is ducking the question, but they are. Hence, three separate channels, with two response email addresses given, I ask:

Will Hell freeze over before the Bachmann campaign gives an answer. I expect so.

Are the counselors covered? I don't yet know. I expect not.

If any reader has an email address for Jim the Election Guy, please provide it. I will ask him too. He presents himself as if well informed.