
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Luke Hellier is a Big Fat Idiot - Part 2.

luke hellier, babysitter at brodkorb's site while brodkorb plays GOP party big-wig, posts this:

Let's debunk the mythology of the separation-of-church-and-State haters. The pledge came into existence as a required step in repatriation of Confederates after they had lost an economic war. It was not a religious war because the founding fathers had the good sense to consider all the religion-based bloodshed throughout European history, their cultural heritage, and to want something better and more civilized for our nation - a separation between church and State embodied in the First Amendment's non-establishment clause.

In the 1950's some haters of the concept of separation had the votes to amend the thing from its historical wording to insert "under God" which was antithetical to the pledge's history and historical purpose, and antithetical to the founders' concept of separating a cause of bloodshed and discord from the legitimate limited interests of a limited federation among the states. When convenient to the separation-hater group, allied almost one to one with the choice-haters, they do mention limited government and states-rights. When inconvenient they wrap themselves in the war-winning Union flag, and pull out and wave their crosses and bleat like a herd of sheep.

hellier, for political purposes of a quite secular and obviously crass nature, is doing it now. McCollum is far from perfect in many ways - she is no Bruce Vento, whose seat she took over after Vento's unfortunate premature death - but if hellier can think of nothing better to say about McCollum he should simply shut up.

Here is a screenshot from the anonymous twit hellier links to, as his source for his post - waving flag imagery and Jesus based gospel quotes, plus all the other trappings you would expect to go with an anonymous separation-hater's attitude - at least hellier uses his name, unlike this clown, and unlike the way brodkorb started his MDE thing:

Is this individual ashamed to identify himself/herself, by name? Perhaps a GOP campaign staffer somewhere? Who knows?

I erred. The pledge was not a direct outgrowth of the Civil War. 1892 was the date of origin, reportedly, and the "under God" thing was a part of McCarthyism - which Bachmann would like to reinvent, per her wanting to have it checked out whether Obama and others are anti-American, whatever that means to her and her camp followers. This link. Sorry about the error. Readers, if you ever spot a Crabgrass post making this kind of error again, or in the past, please let me know ASAP.