
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A good post about Tarryl Clark, at the Down With Tyranny blog. And a dynamite-true Sinclair Lewis quote on the blog's top banner. But you ask, what's that to do with Ramsey?

It is a day or two old but still very, very fresh. This link.

Sinclair Lewis, Minnesota's best novelist, "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."

I do favor Natalie Steffen for Anoka County Board Distirct 1, over Look.

I favor David Elvig for City of Ramsey Ward 1 over Harry Niska.

As to Niska, there is an apparently now defunct website, "Fritz Feds," which involved Niska, if not authored by him, and this post exists saying what it says - in a know your Ramsey candidates sense, there being a strong Federalist Society aura to Niska which he strangely downplays in his effort to ingratiate himself with voters in hopes of getting onto the Ramsey City Council - as if it is not a part of the full personality, or not of importance to town voters these days.

For readers not following the link, the FritzFed site sidebar identifies itself:

Federalist Society members corresponding from the Walter F. Mondale Hall at the University of Minnesota.

This is not an official website of the Federalist Society.

The opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of each individual author and are not approved, endorsed, or denied by the National or University of Minnesota Federalist Society.

Comments? Send them here [email address = which is now inactive]

With the site now defunct, and that email address, my inference is that Niska was the site; one and the same.

I have a screenshot of the entire post, should any reader have trouble accessing the page, and I post what I believe the most relevant part, below; there being references also to a Brian Lieter about whom I know nothing, Juan Cole, and a Eugene Volokh, the name being recognizable to me as an uber-right wing UCLA law prof with strong Federalist Society ties, and boring rhetoric only a like-minded uber-right wing individual would spend time reading. Since those refs, timely I suppose for the July 2005 FritzFeds grist, are not currently interesting at all, they are omitted. If you care to, read the entire screed and decide if you like it. This excerpting:

Aside from being too cute for words, that post identifies our guy, clerkship and all, as "Former President of the University of Minnesota Federalist Society and Christian Legal Society chapters," and that's what unpinned my meter.

This Google. Also, this one. Check these venerable names. There's more. Last, this.

Regard all that as you feel proper, on election day. Be an informed voter.

UPDATE - More Federalist Society member names.