
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

City Pages - Michele Bachmann. And a new comment moderation policy.

City Pages - Bachmann: This link. This link.

Comment Moderation: Suffering fools is not my purpose in life. Anyone wishing to comment in the future should include full name and email address or forget having your comment published. Email addresses will be published. Either put yourself up behind your statements or be ignored. Leaving full name and email address, where people can communicate directly if they wish, and where I can confirm identity if/when I feel it needed, facilitates honesty and accountability. It's required, before I will post any comment. And it is a threshold to having a comment published to a post, not a guarantee. I reserve the right to reject any comment for any reason I choose. Anyone not liking this policy - start your own blog and say what you choose there. Good luck attracting a readership.