
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What do Bill Gates the lawyer, Bill Gates the Microsoftie, and Mark Dayton have in common - besides money in the family?

Read about it. This link.

I have that sentiment in common with the three of them, but without anything near to that kind of money in the family.

Good for Bill.

Further detail, LA Times reporting, this link.

An interesting book title, fairly recent; a few snippet pages at this Google Books link, the below screensot.

See book review, this link.

Those Eisenhower years were fiscal golden years - then Reagan and the Bushco folks killed the goose laying the golden eggs of nationwide prosperity and its been downhill ever since "the communicator" communicated his pro-wealthy brand of BS. It sold well to the gullible, with help from lobbyists, Congress, and the press.

David Stockman's term, "voodoo economics" aptly explained Reagan's junk, and Stockman admitted it was nothing really beyond warmed-over and repackaged trickle down. Which never has been good except for the ones at the apex of the pyramid standing atop everyone else.