
Monday, September 27, 2010

One candidate I did not mention previously - Dan Kane, State House Dist. 48B, DFL, who strongly endorses The Minnesota Health Plan.

Read the healthcare position on the website, this link, and the jobs position, this link. Explore the entire site, starting from the homepage:

This excerpt:

To keep things simple, I propose that any reform should do two essential things:

1- Reduce costs for most Minnesota families and the economy on the whole, and
2- Provide better and more accessible service to all.

Any legislation that does not clearly support both goals will not have my support. The federal health reform program certainly does provide more accessibility, but does nothing to reduce costs.

If you have not yet heard about the Minnesota Health Plan, do yourself a favor and check it out. In the state legislature, I will fight to continue the progress of this important piece of legislation.

I believe the strengths of this plan far outweigh its limitations.

--- Covers medical needs for all Minnesotans. The MN Health Plan campaign estimates there are 400,000 uninsured Minnesotans. There is both a moral obligation and fiscal pragmatism in universal coverage. We simply cannot allow our neighbors to go without health care. Add to that the rising cost of health care for all of us. When the uninsured do seek medical care, those of us with insurance coverage end up paying the bill anyway, usually at full “retail” prices. Would you rather pay into a system where you help cover the full billed cost of services, or would you rather pay into a system where you help cover a discounted negotiated cost?

--- Reduces the overall cost of health care in our state through prevention, efficiency and the elimination of paperwork, in addition to the above.

--- Allows patients to see any licensed care provider they choose.

By excerpting I have omitted very much of Dan's thinking -- so go to the website for the entire range of his issues presentations.

FINALLY: Follow these links, to volunteer or contribute. To vote for Dan, you already know that without any further advice from me.