
Thursday, September 23, 2010

More than their fair share if we had a fair national policy on distribution of wealth in the nation.

This link.

Global profitability, this link.

Forbes does publish data. How should you read it?

Pay your mortgage, manage your credit card, put food on the table, don't ask questions that Rupert Murdoch does not sufficiently answer for you. Others have a conscience, so why should you? Have you the time for one? Time for an inquiring mind? Let Michele Bachmann, Tom Emmer explain the fairness of everything to you. Listen and agree. Those on the Forbes lists want you to be "happy" that way. If you feel any resentment, ask any questions - quickly realize, blame the government because if it were smaller, doing less, things would be more equitably distributed, warm and cozy, all that, wouldn't they?

It must be Tarryl Clark's fault. All this maldistribution going on.

I have seen second tier stuff - blowing smoke - about taxing rates, spending priorities; and yet how the pie is sliced is somehow not a big question on the Bachmann or Emmer agenda. It's one Strib never asks. One Strib fails to consider, here. The people setting the policy don't even bother signing the paychecks. They delegate it.

There is room for this bigger question on the Obama agenda. Side-stepped? Would he be where he is voicing such legitimate American concerns? Or side-tracked?.