
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Minnesota Health Plan is a statewide effort to institute single payer healthcare for us all, at the state level because, so far, at the federal level too few have the character and goodwill to do it.

Below is a screenshot from an email notice received from Joel -  who can answer questions better than I can.

He is a better informed person than I am and contacting him will avoid my giving incomplete or incorrect answers.

Note - Blogger allows cutting and pasting hypertext into a post. However, the template width is preset, and the email hypertext was preset, so that cutting the hypertext with all of its links directly into blogger would only display the left 3/4 of the message with truncation at the right. Not sufficient; hence the screenshot is used.

However, (second "however"), screenshot images note where the hypertext links [in blue] were in the message, but there's no way to preserve active links in an image.

Hence the links are listed, in order, below the screenshot. (When tools are limited, we adapt.)

[click on the image to enlarge and read]:

In order, the message hotlinks are:

 Donate for Ted Winter here.

 Donate for David Bly here.

Facebook announcement

 [...] in between the Lunds and Haskell's at 98th & Normandale in Bloomington 

 Donate for Paul Rosenthal here.

Obviously, the message was aimed at already highly involved people. Don't be discouraged by that from contributing to any of the campaigns, and if you read this and wish to become involved and to meet several of the people active in the effort, please do a follow-up email to Joel, whose coordinating email was given at the start of the post. He would welcome any further support and participation, beyond contributions, which are always helpful and welcome. It would be best to give email notice of interest, rather than showing up without notice for something such as a doorknocking, but readers are smart enough to figure out nuances.

Last, two informative links where readers can seek background info on healthcare effort:

The Minnesota Health Plan.

The Minnesota Universal Health Care Coalition.

Please post a comment if any of the links do not work for you, or if you've something helpful to add.

Comments are moderated, and improper items will not be posted.

Joel Clemmer sent one further link, it's been an active site for some time: