
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Primary results.

Horner, Emmer and Dayton.

Dayton by 5000 votes, winning outstate while Kelliher was stronger in the Twin Cities.

Kelliher has to concede. Not doing so will torpedo the party. Expect it before the weekend.

Ramsey at large:


Anoka County:

Dist 1.

Dist 2.
Johnson---- 943

Dist 5.

I expect Steffen will get the labor endorsement for District 1, unless a decision is not to endorse.

She and Hendriksen and Hillebregt showed up for the labor panel Q-&-A.

Look avoided it.

The DFL turnout was greater even in Anoka County, which does not in general lean DFL. That primary was the main attraction, statewide.

There's time between now and November, and guessing at the general election this early is pointless.

I know I will vote Dayton. I presently see no reason not to vote for Steffen in the District 1 county board two-candidate situation.

Local Ramsey races I face, Ward 1, and At Large, presently undecided. Probably I will end up voting Cleveland and Elvig. It's uncertain for now but the thinking on Elvig is all the Town Center mess happened on his watch. He later cannot duck accountability. Niska, if elected would have the "Not on my watch" excuse, and I favor no excuses. Re: Cleveland vs. Backous, I wish Cleveland would adopt more detailed and forceful positions on the issues. Yet even without that, she seems the better choice.

Aside from Dayton's victory, I am unhappy at the choices. Ward 3 is the other Ramsey race, with McGlone in Ward 2, Jeffrey in Ward 4, Wise at large, and the Mayor holding office until the 2012 election.

Aside from Dayton, Minnesota Senate District 48, and possibly Anoka County District 1, I do not anticipate much Crabgrass commentary between now and the general election. Clearly, Perovich for SD 48 is an absolute no-brainer, and Olmon for House Dist 48A is the sounder choice although Hackbarth has incumbency and general mood of the district behind him.

Jungbauer and the Landform stuff in Ramsey, the recirculation pond SF 2500 bonding bill seeking $2.6 million state money with its ultimate spending, (who takes a slice of that pie), being murky, Jungbauer authoring the money-grab bill and being sole sponsor while the firm he serves has the no-accountability flat-fee non-transparent ongoing consultancy contract status with Ramsey; all that; is distasteful to me.

Jungbauer has never left a positive impression on me by anything I have seen. Cosponsoring the Intelligent Design bill along with Bachmann when both were state senators, doubting global warming, all that is pure hooey in my view. He runs, even in marathons. That's the only positive thing I believe I have seen. It is not a qualification for office, but more like a hobby, like his airplane stuff.

Having an opinion re House Dist 48B, where I live, does not matter.

Abeler owns it, and will keep posession.

Does anyone really care much about Ramsey getting a Northstar station? The bus ridership figures do not justify it. That is certain, and without subsidy from other tax monies for the bus, Ramsey citizens would have to subsidize its ongoing loss status into an uncertain future. Fourteen million for a train stop is excessive, regardless of whether tax money from the federal, state, or Met Council is hauled in to avoid the hit being on county and city taxes.

And, remember, $15,000 each and every month, out of Ramsey, to Landform, without that firm being held to produce detailed time and task accountings. It offends. I view it as improper.