
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Moderate Republican Aubrey Immelman supports Horner in today's IP primary contest.

This Link.

GOP voters, without a primary in the top spot, might have a look at the IP ballot.

It is an opportunity for moderate Republicans to exert a voice.

Hahn has had the restraining order as part of his divorce. How heavy that should weigh is up to voters, now, today.

Horner, given how Emmer is courting the far right-wing of the GOP, would be a general election option for those not liking the Emmer option but too politically conditioned to vote DFL.

But Hahn would not pose the option Horner does. Hahn seems to be something of an Emmer clone. No stale DWI arrests, but that more recent court order. Both seem extreme, by any moderate voter standards.

AND THERE ALWAYS ARE THE DOWN TICKET RACES. In Anoka County five of the seven board seats will be decided in the November general election, with only Erhart and Sivarajah holding over.

Of the board seats having a primary, I like Becky Fink, District 5, and Terry Hendriksen, District 1, where I live, a district including all of Nowthen, Ramsey, Bethel, St. Francis, and the west part of Oak Grove, and wards in Andover and Anoka.

Hendriksen, Hillebregt, Look and Steffen, in alphabetical order, are the District 1 options.

Ramsey has one primary - the at large seat that Look is vacating after a single term during the latter half of which Ramsey bought the distressed vacant Ramsey Town Center land; for millions, and with Look instrumental in installing Landform into a lucrative contract situation but with the thing poised to fail miserably, or possibly succeed - but with Look bailing out early.

Neither Hillebregt nor Hendriksen are responsible for the Ramsey Town Center fiasco.

Look, presently, and Steffen from the start, were avid Ramsey Town Center boosters. Steffen was the Met. Council rep that was pushing things from that direction, along with Elvig before elected to the council, as head of the Town Center Task Force, a pro-RTC pom-pom squad.

Hendriksen while on Ramsey's city council, along with long-time Ramsey public servant Jerry Zimmerman, urged caution and attention to downside risk, but were outvoted from the start of 2001 onward by a Town Center land baroness, Tom Gamec, and Susan Anderson; with the failure of the project following the majority rule mishaps and irrational exuberance over the thing.

Look replaced Todd Cook after the 2006 election, which is no mandate other than being viewed the better choice of the two.

However, Look was instrumental in the city getting into the land development business, something not expected from his running as an anti-waste candidate.

During the brief period after Steffen's leaving the council to take her Met. Council seat, to the election where Margaret Connolly lost, there was Hendriksen, Connolly, and Zimmerman in a council majority - the best city council majority I have seen since moving to Ramsey in the mid-1990's.


This household has already voted. Two are on vacation in Montreal, I am at the keyboard, but there's been three-out-of-three.

Other households should be as respectful of having a right to vote. DFL turnout should be greater than GOP, or IP, because of the three-way race. However, everyone, regardless of viewpoint or politics, should take advantage of the opportunity to shape the final election in November in all the races that are on the primary ballot.