
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Entenza is mailing a barrage of flyers. Dayton is clearly understanding truth and telling it.

That's right. In a recent mailing Dayton has gone full page to remind us that Minnesota has had a bare majority of voters sentence it to eight long years of punishment at hard labor.

Now the GOP wants us to elect more of the same but with less superficial appeal.

Tom Emmer is dumber, louder, meaner and less pretty.

Sure, Dayton isn't a pretty face either, but he would tax the rich instead of coddling them.

McCain was not Bush but in far too many ways similar, plus he picked a jackass for second spot on the ticket.

Emmer has picked an idealogue.

Emmer is not Pawlenty but in far too many ways similar, but worse.

And with a man like Dayton as governor, or a woman like Kelliher - indeed even Entenza the least appealing of the three with a fortune from UnitedHealth's exploiting a public in need of healthcare - with any of the three, there would be less room for "Water World Mike Jungbauer" to operate. That would be a side blessing for the state. The main blessing would be to have a legislature in each house and a chief executive all on the same page to restore prosperity and end the gimmicks and favoritism for the rich that has been a Pawlenty hallmark.

So GOP folks, can I name a better Republican. Sure. Horner. His only problem is the zealot bunch that has hijacked his party so that to offer a viable candidacy he had to run IP.

Once the GOP goes off its death wish and goes back to sane candidates such as Horner, the DFL will have to differentiate itself from the GOP-lite mish-mosh it has become, Blue Dogs and such. The DFL might then be pressured to be something beyond a pack of Eisenhower Republicans in disguise.

Mark Dayton is one first step in the direction of making the state and the nation better, and we can hope the GOP crossover primary vote will not be out to get him, but instead will be attempting to put the IP into having Hahn, restraining order and all, as its candidate going into the general election. I simply expect the Republican monkeying around in another primary (because they have none), but who can say which Republican primary voter picks which other well to poison?

Expect them to do mischief in one of the other party primaries. The question is which one they can bias, and which one will be their focus.

My brother-in-law disagrees with me. "Emmer is not meaner. Pawlenty is a really vicious son-of-a-bitch."

There's certainly truth to that.

Perhaps Emmer is less vicious.