
Thursday, July 08, 2010

Strib reports on money raising in Minnesota's Sixth District. Bachmann, the incumbent, has raised more cash than Tarryl Clark, the challenger.

This link.

What the dollar count reporting obscures, Tarryl Clark is by far the better, more decent human being.

She is more intelligent, and would do the job diligently instead of being a self-promoting blowhard on FOX. We need intelligence, diligence, and decency toward the citizens of the district.

After two years of service, there will be no dearth of answers, as with Bachmann, to the question, "What's she done for the district?"

Bachmann's done nothing.

Clark will be proactive and effective. Elect her and see.

The Strib article does indicate, tangentially, the disrespect Bachmann has for the intelligence of the Sixth District electorate [justifiable in part, after all, they put Bachmann in Congress and kept her there a second term, and that's not saying much for the district's collective IQ].

But, disrespecting, how?

Well, Strib noted and Minn Independent highlighted a silly and simplistic Bachmann propaganda mailing with "Taxin' Tarryl" language.

The truth is with very, very, very, very few in the Sixth District rich, it was a tax-the-rich-a-fair-share measure that Clark's vote stood to pass with the vote probably closer than the electorate would like because many realized that Pawlenty would not sign on to the wealthy having to pay a fair share.

Pawlenty and Bachmann do not like proposals of fair taxing because, relative to the Sixth District with the State's highest foreclosure rate and with rampant unemployment especially in the skilled trades, each of the two is wealthy beyond the norm and neither wants to pay a fair share.

It is that simple, and Bachmann's propaganda tries to destroy and distort that fundamental truth, yet it remains a truth we all can see.

The district is hurting and Bachmann is schmoozing with financial Wall Street donors, and with Rupert Murdoch and his well-groomed smooth-talking snake-oil salesmen-henchmen.

Most of us who live in the district know a neighbor being foreclosed, if not in that position ourselves.

Clark has wanted good schools and services, patched potholes from MnDOT, etc., while Bachmann wants more luxury buying potential for the family to keep from its faith healing subsidy-taking family cash cow "Christian" clinic.

Clark has a clear citizen-friendly agenda, posted here, whereas Bachmann is all for faith healing and coddling the wealthy, (who have donated accordingly). Goldman Sachs likes Bachmann.

So, ask yourself, what has Bachmann or Goldman Sachs done for you?

Are you better off now, or were you better off before Bachmann went to DC to become a spectacle on Rupert Murdoch's propaganda TV?

Answer Honestly. Vote Accordingly.

Again, look at that Clark list of what she's stood for in the Legislature and will stand for in DC.

Do you see any hint of Michele Bachmann really caring about these citizen-friendly things?

Of course not.