
Monday, July 19, 2010

Sidebar "About me" section has been updated.

The opening sentence is modified to reflect a current situation. The remainder was edited to shorten it. I think it is already indirectly clear from recent posts critical of other candidates that they are not my choice and that I support Hendriksen. I have made that explicit. I surely hope that he is one of the two primary finalists for the District 1 office. Should that not be I shall wrestle a bit with remaining options, but I expect I already know how I would think things out, if necessary. A good informed turnout Aug. 10 should keep Hendriksen in the contest. That is at least my hope and expectation. Other candidates have cabals of support, or appear to me at least to have affiliations that a good turnout can overcome. People need to really look at and think about the options.

One thing needs clarification - the three of four with generally known GOP ties and leanings. Andy Hillebregt, I do not know. Hendriksen, who I back, unfortunately has not yet seen the light on the road to Damascus and is not DFL, but while an actual conservative in many ways he does not caucus with any bloc. Matt Look, he caucuses with Bob Ramsey, Mike Jungbauer, Harry and Jen Niska, and Abeler's recent ultra-far-right primary opponent Huizenga, so go figure if he's not vanilla new-far-extreme-Emmer-rightwing GOP down the line, to the COR. Steffen, a Carlson HHS appointee, in 1993 resigned to run for Congress, GOP primary. Ventura of IP appointed her to Met. Council, Pawlenty of GOP reappointed her to more Met Council where she sat for years until quite recently (in case you do not recall), while DFL'er Jim Deal hosted her recent Ramsey Town Center fundraiser at one of Deal's buildings. All things to all people, a woman for all seasons, a chameleon, a liquid of fixed volume but taking the shape of her container? You tell me.