
Monday, July 19, 2010

The party of NO shows its stuff.

If there is going to be a revenue shortfall, the party of NO says let it be. They are against a balanced budget.

More than that, they come across as super-scared, and reacting like a cornered snake, about Tom Horner, who is not a devil at all, but simply one of the handful of remaining moderate Republicans. Horner, because of that, had to leave the GOP and go IP.

This screenshot, from MDE:

Voters should give the Emmerites what they want - if they are to be the party of NO, give them a resounding NO at the polls. Only the ballot box can dislodge the extremists who have captured the GOP.

And why would I want a kinder gentler GOP?

Because the Dems are now nothing but a bunch of entrenched Eisenhower Republicans and until the GOP reinvents itself as open to the middle of the existing narrow right-wing range of political discourse at play today, the Dems can be as egregious as they want and still win. IF the GOP reforms then the Dems will have to, and a move to the left in that camp is way, way, way, way overdue.