
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Water Quality and Availability in Anoka County - A League of Women Voters Presentation, today, this evening, Coon Rapids Civic Center. (Hanson exit from Hwy 10, east on Robinson Drive).

League of Women Voters: ABC Chapter

Free and open to the public

Wednesday, June 16

“At Risk: Water Quality and Availability in Anoka County”
An informative presentation about factors endangering the water supply in Anoka County.  

Jamie Schurbon, Water Resource Specialist
Anoka County Conservation District

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Coon Rapids Community Center
11155 Robinson Drive

That's the League's notice.

Hopefully there might be a Metropolitan Council person there to explain all the breakneck growth that we in the north metro experienced having pushed and promoted by those folks without regard by them for the water availability question and the aquifer's status - with those folks only pushing their narrow internal goals in setting quotas that nature might be unable to sustain.

Only recently has Met Council given the problem attention, but in a "circle the wagons and fight the savages" manner, more CYA than illumination and articulation of worthwhile policy.

It has to be a big-time embarrassment for that contingent of "expert" little planners and their expert little plans and their always excessive population growth projections and quotas (inflated so that more development opportunity is available for developer cherry picking and playing locale against locale to see which prostitutes its future more readily).