
Saturday, May 15, 2010

I cannot figure out why the DFL with its substantial majorities in both Minnesota houses does not jump all over the GOP for being the obstructionist asses they are.

Obstructionist, with no decent plan of their own. With no legitimate agenda, and with the only real agenda being hammer the poor - vs a more humane view, tax the rich.

MinnPost has a good synopsis, with links, here.

Polinaut has a running set of posts, e.g., here, here and here.

That first story, Pawlenty in a meeting, makes me think - Trojan Horse - and Cassandra will not be listened to and the snakes will get Laocan and sons - guess which side I see as the GOP in that image - and once the warning voices are quelled the horse will be pulled into town to the detriment of the citizenry.

Minnesota Progressive Project currently is looking elsewhere.

Who is to protect us from mischief? The DFL Senate majority? The DFL House majority? Nobody?

From what I have seen, nobody is the better bet.